
Software and hardware for cultural experiences

Museum and exhibitions management

Re-functionalization of villas for museum purposes

Museum virtualization and digitalization

IoT for experience sensors

AI for tracing systems

Data analysis and visualization

Cultural business consulting

Educational and cultural content creation



Electronic Museum Management & Analytics

EMMA is an innovative museum management system, whose main purpose is to optimize the experience of managing museum activities by means of a single modular and customizable system, compatible with any desktop computer and smartphone.

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A single platform for multiple integrated services

EMMA offers a range of web-based services, accessible from desktop, and is integrated with a mobile app which, through scanning and barcode recognition, makes the processes of sale and cataloguing simpler and faster, as well as allowing for parallel and dislocated use of services.
As a single platform able to offer multiple integrated services, Emma will relieve museums from managing relationships with different suppliers and free them from the imposition of adopting selected hardware, allowing the use of its services through any desktop computer and mobile device they already own.

EMMA Location Tracking

Emma Location Tracking is the visitor tracking module of the Emma platform. The system, through the integration of innovative technologies, allows the behavioral analysis of museum visitors through the timely tracking of their position within the exhibition area in real time. Such a system allows the management to make use of a real-time and historical database from which to acquire useful insights to optimize the management of the museum. EMMA Location Tracking is a highly scalable cloud-based module with one of the most precise Ultra Wide Band technologies available on the market.

The main functions of EMMA Location Tracking are:
  • Guarantee social distancing for the Covid-19 emergency in museums, providing real-time alerts to visitors and museum staff;
  • Detect in real-time the presence, distribution and movements of visitors within the museum area for security purposes;
  • Collect information about the time of stay near specific installations inside the museum in order to support the curatorship in the definition of the visit paths and in the implementation of gamification logics;
  • Provide statistics on the behavior of visitors allowing evaluations that cross the data of day/time of presence with the persistence on specific areas of interest.

Emma Media Manager

Emma Media Manager is a simple and innovative digital asset management (DAM) that allows content providers and creators to archive, catalog, retrieve, manage and even edit media materials. It is an affordable and easy-to-deploy DAM system that provides customers with local or remote web access to your content library.



Prizes and awards


Get it! For ICC Innovamusei

On July 22, 2021, Rnb4Culture was selected from over 121 applications as the winning startup of "Get it! For ICC Innovamusei", call organized by Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell'Amore, Cariplo Factory, unionCamere Lombardia and Regione Lombardia to award the best cultural startup. RnB4Culture won the award by presenting Emma-Electonic Museum Management & Analytics, its museum technology platform. Emma is a 360 degree museum management software resulting the most innovative on the national market, as it is able to optimize the experience of managing museum activities through a single flexible and modular system. The modularity and scalability of the software allows to offer a customizable and adaptable service to cultural realities of all sizes and degrees, supporting them in the process of automation, simplification and optimization of processes.

Sole 24 Ore awards RnB4Culture for social sustainability

In the "Social Sustainability" category, which includes the set of all actions and innovations put in place by the company, starting from the year 2020, aimed at achieving equity in society was awarded RnB4Culture of Jesi (AN) for the application of the most innovative ArtTech and Digital Culture technologies to the promotion and valorization of the historical-cultural heritage allowing to optimize its management and public access in an inclusive and "user centered" logic.

RnB4Culture has been operating since the end of 2019 for the introduction of new models of valorization of Places of Culture in an integrated logic of using technology to support a workforce structured in a virtuous way with respect to the reference sector. The company operates in an ESG logic by integrating people support, energy efficiency of the places where it operates and technological innovation. Because of the value of its work, it has also been awarded Iso 9001 certification.

The Award was presented in the hands of Fabrizio Renzi, President and CEO of RnB4Culture by Luca Manzoni, Head of Corporate & Investment Banking Banco BPM S.p.A and Fabio Tamburini, Director Il Sole 24 Ore.

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RnB4Culture actively collaborates with Sydonia production, an internationally renowned company in the production of video, museum content and filmography. Sydonia was the creator of the entire digital exhibition of the Federico II Museum. As a partner, Rnb4Culture has been co-producer of the first cinematographic work "Criminali si diventa" presented in 2021 within the Venice Film Festival.


Criminali si diventa

An all Made in Marche production led by Sydonia Production in collaboration with SubwayLab of Jesi and HegoFilm of Fano. This is a production that, for the first time, sees the collaboration and professional contamination of different film realities, all from the Marche region, associated with CNA Cinema and Audiovisual Marche. A film that will have local workers working on it: from the technical to the artistic staff, with the presence of many actors from local cinema.
"Le Marche is the region that most represents Italy - says the contract manager of Sydonia Production, Nazareno Gismondi - and we need to do much more to make the territory a protagonist by also focusing on film production and cine-tourism". Sydonia's idea is to create a serious structure that can promote the Marche region throughout the world. "As much publicity as one can do, there is nothing more incisive than a film - says Gismondi - making this feature film the carrier rocket, as he himself defined it in the press conference held in Fermo.

About us

RnB4Culture, part of RnBGate Group, is a dynamic start-up with high social value that applies innovative ArtTech tools to the promotion and enhancement of the historic and cultural heritage. We want to redesign how people live culture, combining research and technology to the material and immaterial treasure of the territory. We believe that the diversity and interdisciplinarity of our team add value to apply tech innovatively, to make the cultural heritage more accessible and enjoyable to an increasing number of people, achieving unforgettable experiences for all.


Fabrizio Renzi - President & CEO

As the Director of Research, Technology and Innovation for IBM Italy, Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, I have promoted for 30 years a common technological development between Italy and the world through an international network. In this role, I was dedicated to the promotion of technological research for the creation of new business models in an international and multicultural environment. In 2019, I decided to found RnBGate Group to actively connect technological research and innovation with businesses and companies, to facilitate their digital transformation through exponential technologies.

At the same time, I decided to follow my passion for history, culture, and my country, giving my time to enhance and promote the Italian heritage with RnB4Culture. I want to create new business realities that can bring together the treasures of the land and the dynamicity of technology. To achieve this, with a team of diverse young talents and an international network of experts, I apply the most innovative technologies available on the market to realities with high cultural value.

Lucia Basili

Founder & Museum Director

Andrea Castellani


Matteo Marinelli

Founder & Innovation Consultant

Veronica Barbagallo

Educational and museum operator

Valentina Binato

Museum operator

Stefano Cavallazzi

Business development manager & marketing manager

Pietro Cusi

Marketing strategist

Vanessa Donaggio

Educational and museum operator

Simone Ghiazzi

Software engineer

Giorgia Gilli

Educational and museum operator

Alessia Giuliani

Museum Curator

Leonardo Guerra

Software engineer

Giulia Leonardi

Research & Development Engineer

Alessia Papale

Museum and software operator

Francesco Piva

Museum operator

Elena Ragusa

Educational and museum operator

Giorgia Rorato

Graphic designer & videomaker

Alvise Rosselli

Educational and museum operator

Valeria Rovere

Chief Operating Officer

Simone Tartarotti

Software engineer

Matilde Zanella

Museum operator

Cristian Zuin

Technical operator

Jorge Zunino

Technical and logistics chief manager

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Main Partners

RnB Group


Quality Policy

RnB4culture is committed to the policy of quality by always upholding it and disseminating it to its employees, customers, suppliers and all stakeholders involved in business processes. Its mission is aimed at enhancing the national heritage through the management of museums and historical cultural sites and the provision of Art Tech software solutions.


Contact us

Would you like to know more about our services or work with us? Get in touch!


+39 3479751212

Milano Innovation District
Via Cristina Belgioioso, 171
Milano 20157 MI